Committee Charge
The Student Success Committee provides guidance and support to students in their journey towards timely degree completion and graduation. This includes identifying and addressing barriers to academic progress and success, monitoring student progress, and implementing strategies to support students in achieving their academic goals.
Specific responsibilities include the following:
- Support the diffusion of student success related innovations across administrative and academic units in the College.
- Meet each semester to review undergraduate student appeals who have been identified on “Academic Notice” (GPA below a 2.0) or student suspension (GPA below 2.0 for multiple semesters) and make recommendation to the Dean’s Office.
- Review scholarship applications for incoming and returning students and recommend the distribution of college-level awards to support recruitment, retention, continuation, and completion.
Each year, the Committee may also be asked to engage in additional activities tied to University or College initiatives or directives.
Committee Structure
The Associate Dean for Student Success serves as the chair of this Committee. The Student Success Committee includes representatives from the Office of Student Success Staff, one faculty member from each School, and the Director for Office of Student Success.
Committee Eligibility and Membership
All full-time staff and faculty members are eligible to serve on the Student Success Committee. The length of term is one-year, although appointments are renewable. The Associate Dean for Student Success works directly with the respective Deans and Directors to determine representation. Selection of committee members will occur by August 15 of each Academic Year.