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Congratulations graduates and soon-to-be Alumni!

Requirements Ceremony Info Diploma Info

Graduation Requirements

To be eligible for graduation at West Virginia University, undergraduate and graduate students must apply for graduation and meet all degree requirements outlined by their specific program.

Applying to Graduate

Follow the instructions on the Registrar's web page. Students must apply for graduation regardless of whether they plan to attend the ceremony - a separate RSVP is required for the ceremony

WVU Registrar: Application Instructions

Program Requirements

Please refer to the WVU Catalog to review program requirements.

Bachelors Programs

Masters Programs

Doctoral Programs

Ceremony Information

The College of Applied Human Sciences will be having its Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony on Sunday, May 18 at 9 a.m., in the WVU Coliseum.

All degree candidates should report to the WVU Basketball Practice Facility (located behind the Coliseum) one hour before the ceremony start time. Please look for directional signs.

The College's Spring Commencement ceremony includes a processional of graduation candidates and speakers. Graduates are individually recognized and cross the stage as their names are called to shake hands and pause for photos. All graduate students will be hooded by a faculty member.

The ceremony will last approximately two hours.


Students must RSVP to walk in the ceremony. Tickets are not required for this event and there are no restrictions on the number of guests a graduate may bring. RSVP link will be sent out in March.

First Destination Survey

All students graduating from the College of Applied Human Sciences must complete the First Destination Survey. Links will be sent out in March. 

Online Graduate Students On-Campus Graduate Students Undergraduate Students

Accessibility Services

Graduating Students

Graduates needing accessibility services should contact their accessibility specialist.


Guests who require accessible seating will be served on a first-come, first-served basis. Once you have arrived at the graduation venue accessible seating ushers will assist you to the designated seating areas. Any questions please email

Interpreting Services

Graduates and guests in need of interpreting services for the hearing impaired can request an interpreter. Interpreters must be requested 7 days in advance per the Office of Accessibility Services. For more information, please contact


Participating candidates are required to wear caps and gowns. These can be purchased online from Herff Jones or WVU Bookstore. When ordering caps and gowns, be sure to state whether you are an undergraduate, master's, or doctoral student at CAHS.

Clear Bag Policy

To provide a safer environment for guests and to ease entry into event venues, a Clear Bag Policy has been implemented for all commencement ceremonies. WVU’s Clear Bag Policy limits the size and type of bags that guests may bring into an event venue. Only clear bags, small clutch bags, and plastic storage bags will be permitted in the event venues.

More information


Parking will be available at the WVU Coliseum parking lot and will include shuttle services. 

If overflow parking is needed, nearby satellite lots will be available along with shuttle service to the Coliseum. These lots will be clearly marked with signage for pick-up and will be located on the WVU Evansdale Campus. CAHS graduates and their guests may not park at the Canady Creative Arts Center due to another commencement ceremony taking place there at the same time.

Family members needing accommodations for parking will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis (must have accommodation parking permit).

WVU Coliseum Download an Evansdale Campus Map (PDF)


A professional photographer will take photos of graduates as they cross the stage. An email will be sent to the address provided on the photo/name card completed at the ceremony. Graduates can order photos within 72 hours following the ceremony.

For further information regarding graduation, visit

Diploma Information

Diplomas are mailed after all grades are finalized and certified by the WVU Office of the Registrar—approximately three weeks after the ceremony. Students will receive an email through their mix account when their diploma has been mailed. Graduates will, however, receive a commemorative diploma cover, featuring the seal of the University, as they accept their congratulations.

Please note: Invitation to or participation in the ceremony is not confirmation that the student is certified to graduate. Graduation certification is completed after final semester grades are released.

More Information