As hard as we try, parents and loved ones don’t completely understand all of the day-to-day challenges that our college students face today. Here, we help give you context on what’s happening here at WVU and beyond so you don’t always have to guess about what’s going on in their world. Whether it’s a text, tweet or snap, these topics will help you get a talk started with your student.
Have a conversation regarding your expectations when it comes to communication, money, grades, and visiting home. Coming to a solid understanding of expectations will enable you and your student to move forward on the same page.
College courses are meant to be challenging. It is completely normal for students to face difficulties. That’s where tutoring comes in. WVU has tutoring available both in-person and virtually, both drop-in and by appointment. Encourage your student to consider using tutoring as a way to catch up or pull ahead in their courses. For more information on tutoring resources at WVU, visit
One of the most rewarding aspects of pursuing higher education is the connections students can make with faculty and other university representatives. Engaging with faculty, going to office hours, and attending lectures and seminars introduces students to new ideas and connections that can provide lifelong benefits. Encourage your student to actively involve themselves in the life of the university.
Course registration for spring has already begun and the best way to ensure your student gets the courses they need at the times they want is to register as soon as possible. The first time going through the registration process can be confusing. If they have any concerns regarding registration, have them contact their Student Success Coordinator. They must meet with their Student Success Coordinator at least once to set a plan for the spring before being able to register.
The more engaged academically and socially your student is the more successful they will be and the more they will get out of their experience. There are endless ways to get involved: clubs, intramurals, internships, volunteering – encourage your student to look for ways to get involved in areas they are interested in. A great place to start is WVU Student Engagement.
Encourage your student to prioritize their physical and mental health by eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, and taking time to de-stress. Prompt your student to reflect on their physical and mental wellness. Taking care of their physical and mental health is an important part of performing well academically. Part of the college experience is learning how to balance the stress from work, social requirements, and classes with the necessity of self-care. It is a balance that is hard to get right.
Though your student may be used to summer being only for vacation (and taking a break is important!), it is also a great opportunity to begin to get real-world experience through jobs or internships or to get ahead in classes. Regardless of what your student decides to do, talk with them about their plans and encourage them to make intentional use of the summer months.
Course registration for spring has already begun and the best way to ensure your student gets the courses they need at the times they want is to register as soon as possible. The first time going through the registration process can be confusing. If they have any concerns regarding registration, have them contact their Student Success Coordinator. They must meet with their Student Success Coordinator at least once to set a plan for the spring before being able to register.
Though your student may be used to summer only being for vacation (and taking a break is important!) it is also a great opportunity to begin to get real-world experience through jobs or internships or to get ahead on classes. Regardless of what your student decides to do encourage them to make intentional use of the summer months.
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