- Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology
- Master of Arts in Counseling
- Master of Science in Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
- Special Education, Multicategorical K-12: Graduate
- Special Education, Preschool: Undergraduate
- Early Childhood Education: Undergraduate
- Elementary Education: MAC-Graduate
- English Secondary Education: MAC-Graduate
- Social Studies Secondary Education: MAC-Graduate
- Secondary Mathematics Education: MAC-Graduate
- Secondary Science Education: MAC-Graduate
- General Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Literacy Education: Graduate
- Physical Education: Undergraduate/Graduate
CAEP Accreditation
The accreditation of Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) is granted by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, or CAEP. The programs below were reviewed during the March 2019 site visit and are accredited through Fall 2026.
- Art Education: Undergraduate/Graduate
- Music Education: Undergraduate/Graduate
- Agricultural Education: Undergraduate/Graduate
- Special Education, Multicategorical K-12: Graduate
- Special Education, Preschool: Undergraduate
- Early Childhood Education: Undergraduate
- Physical Education: Undergraduate/Graduate
- Elementary Education: Undergraduate/Graduate
- English Secondary Education: Undergraduate/Graduate
- Social Studies Secondary Education: Undergraduate/Graduate
- Secondary Mathematics Education: Undergraduate/Graduate
- Secondary Science Education: Undergraduate/Graduate
- General Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
Within the same site visit WVU had one advanced program reviewed and accredited through Fall 2026.
- Literacy Education: Graduate
Many of the educator preparation programs within CAHS have program-specific accrediting agencies that require the periodic submission of progress reports. Known as Specialized Professional Associations (SPAs), these agencies require the preparation of “SPA reports” that are submitted to the SPA as well as to CAEP. For our CAHS education preparation programs, these SPAs include:
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)WVU is consistently outpacing the Statewide Pass Rate.
CAEP Accountability Measures
Measure 1 (initial): Completer Effectiveness
Impact P-12 student learning and growth are evidenced by scores on the Danielson Framework for Teaching for candidates in their student teaching or residency:
Applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions is evidenced by scores on the skills survey done while teacher candidates are in their clinical placement:
- Skills Survey: Qualitative All
- Skills Survey: Quantitative All
Measure 2 (Initial & Advanced): Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement:
In the last year we have implemented both a completer and employer survey as well as continuing to solicit feedback from our mentor teachers, here are the results::
- Completer's Survey (Initial)
- Completer's Survey (Advanced)
- Employer Survey (Initial and Advanced)
- Mentor Teacher Feedback
Measure 3 (Initial & Advanced): Candidate Competency at Completion:
Measures that teacher candidates are competent upon completion of a teacher preparation program at WVU are based on:
Praxis Scores
- Three-year pass Praxis (Initial)
- Three-year pass Praxis (Advanced)
edTPA Scores
- edTPA 2021, 2022, 2023 (Initial)
- Danielson Framework for Teaching
Measure 4 (Initial & Advanced): Ability of Completers to be Hired:
The following chart indicates how many teacher candidates completed a teacher preparation program as well as the number who applied for certification in-state and out-of-state. Title II reporting also provides a count of how many students completed teacher education programs across WVU.
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