- Ostrow International Award
- NSF Noyce Teach WV
- Underwood-Smith Teacher Education Scholarship
- Osher Re-entry Scholarship
- Peter and Linda Zulia Endowed Scholarship
- WV Association of Retired School Employees Scholarship
- Charles Peter Yost Physical Education Scholarship
- Bob and Jean Wilson Memorial Scholarship for CPASS
- William A. & Anna F. Shuman Scholarship
- John Semon Endowed Scholarship
- Kelly Irene Osleger Endowed Scholarship
- Old Pros Endowed Scholarship
- Eleanor Lantz Scholarship
- Bob and June Huggins Coaching Scholarship
- Robin L. Hayhurst Sports Management Scholarship
- Hope Harper Loar Memorial Scholarship
- Doris Dorinzi Scholarship
- Louise Currence Christensen Endowed Scholarship
- Fred M Coombs Scholarship
- Tom and Jan Cook Endowed Scholarship
- Forrest G. Clark Presidential Scholarship
- W.A. Carruth, M.J. Pearse & K.J. Blakemore Scholarship
- Marvin (Bucky) Bolyard Scholarship
- Dr. Roger Alford Alumni Scholarship
- Willie and Linda Akers Endowed Scholarship
- Woodrow & Virginia Bonds Endowed Scholarship
- Alex & Betty F. Schoenbaum Teacher Preparation Scholarship/Loan
- Ann & Bob Orders STEM Teaching Scholarship
- Carter Family Foundation Teacher Education Scholarship
- Delmas Miller Endowed Scholarship
- Donna Hoylman Peduto Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Dianna M. Vargo Scholarship
- Drs. Catherine Perry and Donald R. Cotten CEHS Scholarship
- Frontier WV Education Scholarship
- Jessee Frances Brown Lilly Scholarship Fund
- Leon & Mae Newell McKown Scholarship
- Mary Ault Groves Education Scholarship
- Margaret B. Fitzgerald Education Scholarship
- Moore Family Endowed Scholarship
- William “Bill” Thomas McLaughlin II Education Scholarship
- William S. and Karen E. Bingman Endowed Education Scholarship
- Jennifer Marie Baxter Memorial Scholarship
- Paula Bajus Comfort Endowed Scholarship
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