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Tips for Success

  1. Results. Finding an internship can be challenging, but it’s worth it in the end.

  2. Review. Develop your resumes and cover letters and have them reviewed by a career counselor.

  3. Search. Upload your documents to Handshake and begin searching applicable internship postings. 7,000 internships and job postings are listed on handshake annually.

  4. Stay Professional. Make social media work for you, not against you. Potential employers like to connect with candidates via social media, so be selective in your content on social media.

  5. Resources. Utilize other online resources, such as CareerShift (access code: wvsenior) and LinkedIn. Don’t overlook individual company career pages.

  6. Build. Leverage your network. Talk to classmates, alumni, professors, family and friends to learn about potential opportunities.

  7. Search. Join professional associations. To find groups in your industry, visit What Can I Do With This Major?, select your major(s) of interest and scroll to the bottom for a listing.

  8. Organize. Track the jobs you’ve applied to, watch for deadlines and dates, follow up with employers after interviews.

  9. Prepare. Schedule a practice interview with a career development specialist.

  10. Access. Participate in career fairs and other professional development events.

  11. Network. Students who prepare and attend career fairs gain face-to-face interactions that may result in internship opportunities. 300 companies visit campus by the end of September.