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Policies and Procedures

The College of Applied Human Sciences has established the following policies related to internship placements. Please review these policies carefully before requesting internship approval.

  1. The Internship Agreement needs to be completed prior to the first day of the semester in which the student is scheduled to complete the internship. The agreement will then be reviewed. If approved, the student will be emailed registration instructions.  Students will not be able to register for their internship course without a completed approval form on file.

  2. Student interns should consult with their academic advisor or program faculty regarding the appropriate course number and credit hours when completing an internship for academic credit

  3. All credit-bearing courses require a syllabus that includes related learning outcomes, activities, assessments and grading criteria. Students are required to document progress during their internship and demonstrate completion of the course learning. The specific internship requirements will be detailed in the course syllabus.

  4. The student intern is responsible for working with their internship site supervisor to comply with all internship site pre-requisites prior to the start of their placements (e.g., application materials, certifications, criminal background checks, health screenings). These pre-requisites will vary considerably across placements, so we encourage students to be proactive in identifying their internship site well before the start of the intended term.

  5. Successful student internships are dependent on maintaining clear channels of communication among all involved parties. Toward that end, contact information should be exchanged early in the placement between the student intern, internship site supervisor and course instructor.

  6. Professional attire and behavior are always expected by student interns. Neither the course instructor nor internship site supervisor will tolerate unprofessional behavior. All reported incidents of unprofessional behavior of student interns will be acted upon immediately. The student intern could be suspended from the placement until the incident is resolved.

  7. Students are to call their respective internship site supervisor prior to their scheduled hours if they are going to be late or absent that day. Student interns are to send a follow-up e-mail to the internship site supervisor and course instructor to explain the reason for the absence or tardiness. If this policy is not followed, this will be viewed as unprofessional behavior and subject to termination of the internship placement. The ONLY acceptable reasons for absence from scheduled internship hours are illness or a death in the immediate family, participation in a university-sponsored event, or attendance at an approved professional development opportunity (e.g., state or national conference which needs pre-approval at least one month in advance). Hours missed will be ‘made-up’ prior to the end of the placement at the discretion of the internship site supervisor. Make-up days will be arranged in collaboration with the cooperating teacher, university supervisor and the coordinator of field experiences.

  8. Student interns are expected to follow the same work calendar as the organizations in which they are placed. On scheduled campus days, student interns are required to report to campus for their course-related activities. Additionally, a student’s internship assignment may not line up in accordance with University holidays (i.e. fall break, spring break, etc.). Subsequently, students must communicate proactively with internship site supervisors regarding University holidays and the internship supervisor will have the discretion to determine if it can/will be considered as an excused absence.

  9. Student interns will be provided with feedback on their performance by the course instructor at a minimum of two times during the semester (mid-term and final). Experiential learning courses are expected to adhere to and follow the institutional policy for reporting midterm and final grades.

  10. Student interns will have an opportunity to provide feedback on their internship experience at a minimum of two times during the semester as well (mid-term and final) through the eSEI process.

Course Requirements

Review the following course descriptions carefully to make sure that the internship sites you are considering will enable you to meet the appropriate course requirements:

CAHS 489: Capstone Experience

3 Hours

Prerequisites: CAHS 300

An active learning experience integrating and applying the knowledge and skills acquired across three minors. Students utilize information literacy and reflection skills to prepare professional products and planning a future career.

SPSC 289: Pre-Internship Experience

3 Hours

Prerequisites: None

This is an elective course that allows students to gain credits for internships completed throughout their time at WVU.

ACE 475: Strength and Conditioning Internship

3 Hours

Prerequisites: ACE 469 and ACE 473 and ACE 487 and HN&F 200 with a minimum grade of C- in all.

Prearranged experiential learning program, to be planned, supervised, and evaluated for credit by faculty and field supervisors in strength and conditioning environment. Involves temporary placement with public or private enterprise for professional competence development. Please contact Dr. Guy Hornsby with course specific questions.

ACE 476: Fitness Internship

3–6 Hours

Prerequisites: ACE 470 or ACE 472

Supervised experience in a health/fitness environment under the direction of a professional at the site. Preparation for the ACE national certification exam. Please contact Kimberly Zaph at with course specific questions.

ACE 489: Practicum Coaching Youth Sport

3 Hours

Prerequisites: ACE 256, PET 244 and one of the ACE Techniques of Coaching

Integration of theoretical knowledge and development issues with practical field experiences in coaching youth. Please contact Dr. Michael Ryan with course specific questions.

ACE 585: Coaching Internship

1–6 Hours

Students will complete a contract detailing terms of the learning experience. The levels of coaching include but are not limited to elementary schools, little league, secondary schools, and collegiate levels. Please contact Dr. Michael Ryan with course specific questions.

SM 685: Internship in Sport Management

1–6 Hours

Sport management on-site working relationship with a sport organization to gain practical "hands-on" experience in a collegiate athletic organization, professional sport franchise, or variety of sport-related businesses. Please contact Dr. Gary Lhotsky with course specific questions.