Review the following course descriptions carefully to make sure that the internship sites you are considering will enable you to meet the appropriate course requirements:
CAHS 489: Capstone Experience
3 Hours
Prerequisites: CAHS 300
An active learning experience integrating and applying the knowledge and skills acquired across three minors. Students utilize information literacy and reflection skills to prepare professional products and planning a future career.
SPSC 289: Pre-Internship Experience
3 Hours
Prerequisites: None
This is an elective course that allows students to gain credits for internships completed throughout their time at WVU.
ACE 475: Strength and Conditioning Internship
3 Hours
Prerequisites: ACE 469 and ACE 473 and ACE 487 and HN&F 200 with a minimum grade of C- in all.
Prearranged experiential learning program, to be planned, supervised, and evaluated for credit by faculty and field supervisors in strength and conditioning environment. Involves temporary placement with public or private enterprise for professional competence development. Please contact Dr. Guy Hornsby with course specific questions.
ACE 476: Fitness Internship
3–6 Hours
ACE 470 or
ACE 472
Supervised experience in a health/fitness environment under the direction of a professional at the site. Preparation for the ACE national certification exam. Please contact Kimberly Zaph at with course specific questions.
ACE 489: Practicum Coaching Youth Sport
3 Hours
ACE 256,
PET 244 and one of the ACE Techniques of Coaching
Integration of theoretical knowledge and development issues with practical field experiences in coaching youth. Please contact Dr. Michael Ryan with course specific questions.
ACE 585: Coaching Internship
1–6 Hours
Students will complete a contract detailing terms of the learning experience. The levels of coaching include but are not limited to elementary schools, little league, secondary schools, and collegiate levels. Please contact Dr. Michael Ryan with course specific questions.
SM 685: Internship in Sport Management
1–6 Hours
Sport management on-site working relationship with a sport organization to gain practical "hands-on" experience in a collegiate athletic organization, professional sport franchise, or variety of sport-related businesses. Please contact Dr. Gary Lhotsky with course specific questions.