Samantha Ross, PhD
Assistant Professor
Professional Highlights
- Research emphasis: The impact of disability on participation in community-based physical activity across the lifespan
- American Kinesiology Association, National Writing Award 2018
- Recipient of U.S. Department of Education Graduate Training Grant. OSU Leadership Personnel in Adapted Physical Education (PI: Yun). 2016-2019.
- PhD, Kinesiology, Certificate in Adapted Physical Activity, Oregon State University
- MPH, Epidemiology, Public Health, Oregon State University
- MS, Exercise and Sport Science, Oregon State University
- BS, Human Physiology, and Psychology, University of Oregon
Research Interests
- Inclusive practices in community-based physical activity
- Childhood disability and participation in physical activity
- Children with special healthcare needs
- Mobility devices and interventions
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Samantha Ross' research and professional training rests on the central premise that all children have the right to access play and engage in a wide variety of recreational and leisure activities (Unicef Convention on Child Rights, 2014, Article 12 & 31, Broadly, her current research examines the influence of adequate supports, services and assistive devices on child’s physical activity participation in inclusive community settings. She focuses on integrating adapted physical activity and epidemiological research approaches. As a researcher in adapted physical activity, Ross examines the dynamic interaction between mobility, assistive device utilization, social behaviors and related motor-developmental outcomes. As an epidemiological health services researcher, Ross examines the factors within community and service infrastructure that facilitate or hinder children’s access to mobility devices and inclusive physical activity opportunities. Her research is interdisciplinary including motor-development, disability studies, adapted physical activity and public health.
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