Where will I meet with my advisor?
CAHS’s Office of Student Success houses the offices of our academic advisors. This is located in room 109 of the Applied Human Sciences Building on the Evansdale campus.
How can I register for my major courses?
Certain courses within a CAHS major are restricted for students who have been admitted into the program. Your academic advisor will be able to assist you in developing a schedule of available classes you are permitted to take.
How do I declare a minor?
Minors can complement many of the CAHS academic programs, so speak with your advisor first to discuss adding a specific minor. Minors are typically between 15 or 18 additional credits of coursework added to a student’s degree program. Your advisor can assist you in adding a minor.
What GPA do I need to be in good academic standing?
All students below a 2.0 GPA after final grades are available each semester will be placed on academic probation by the University. Refer to the University’s Undergraduate Academic Probation and Suspension Policy in the catalog for additional information.
How do I drop a course during the semester?
All students can add or drop a course during the first week of the semester without any penalty. After this time period, students who drop a course will receive a “W” (withdraw) on their transcript. In order to ensure that students are still on track for their degree completion, all students must meet with their academic advisor prior to dropping a course. For 16-week courses, students have until week 10 to withdraw from a course. View additional information on adding and dropping courses.
If I received a D or an F in a course, can I repeat it to replace the original grade?
WVU has a D/F repeat policy that allows students who received a grade of a D or an F in a course during their first 60 attempted credit hours to repeat the course. The grade that is earned during the second time taking the course will replace the original D or F from the student’s transcript. This can significantly help students rehab a cumulative GPA. Additional information on the D/F Repeat policy can be found here- http://registrar.wvu.edu/academic-records/df-repeat-process
How many credits will I take each semester?
To be at full-time student status, students need to be registered for at least 12 credits. It is important that students remain at this 12 credits or above each semester in order to receive financial aid and live in a residence hall. Any student dropping a course throughout the semester must touch base with their academic advisor. Part-time students will work with their advisor to ensure they are working towards degree completion. It is encouraged that all students take about 15 credits each semester to stay on track towards graduation.
I no longer plan to attend West Virginia University. What are my next steps?
Students who will no longer continue their education at WVU need to let their academic advisor know, as well as the Office of the University Registrar. Students MUST drop their courses and clear any/all balances on the student account in order to not be charged for future semesters.
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