Counseling Psychology Courses
CPSY 701: Advanced Counseling Psychology Interventions
3 Hours. PR: Advanced standing and COUN 501 and COUN 606 and COUN 685 or equiv and Consent. Comprehensive development of counseling psychology techniques related to generic and specific theoretical models. In-setting laboratory experience and demonstration of therapy techniques required.
CPSY 709: Advanced Group Counseling / Therapeutic Interventions
3 Hours. PR: COUN 609 or equiv and consent. An overview of the formation, leadership techniques, research and ethical issues associated with group counseling and psycho-therapy in general and for specific populations. (Lec.).
CPSY 710: Cognitive-Affective Behavior
3 Hours. Review of contemporary theories of learning, memory, motivation, and emotion. Critical review of research and counseling practice. Increased understanding of self-behaviors.
CPSY 734: Multicultural Psychology
3 Hours. PR: CPSY advanced standing and CPSY 701. Interactive effects of cultural factors (race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social status, religious affiliation) as they relate to counseling psychology practice, competencies and roles. (Alternate years.).
CPSY 735: Social Psychology
3 Hours. Classic and contemporary readings/research in social psychology emphasizing the interface of social and counseling psychology and integrating social psychology and counseling psychology practice. Uses a student-centered model with emphasis on student-led discussion and demonstrations.
CPSY 738: Life Span Psychology
3 Hours. PR: CPSY 763. Overview of developmental psychology focusing on the physical, cognitive, emotional and social domains applied to the professional practice of psychology across the lifespan.
CPSY 740: Assessment of Psychopathology
3 Hours. PR: CPSY 701 and CPSY 769. Assessment and diagnosis of psychopathology, integration of case data, treatment planning from a developmental, multicultural perspective with emphasis on ethical and socially responsible interventions and collaboration of counseling psychology with other healthcare providers.
CPSY 745: History and Systems of Psychology
3 Hours. PR: CPSY 701 and CPSY 760. History of modern psychological thought and methodology including the social, political, philosophical, and cultural factors influencing the major schools and systems of psychology, particularly in relationship to counseling psychology.
CPSY 750: Physiological Psychology
3 Hours. PR: CPSY 701 and CPSY 760. Survey of neuroanatomical, neuroendocrinological mechanisms underlying psychological and behavioral processes.Motor, sensory, perceptual, behavioral, cognitive, and affective functional systems will be studied. Relevance to normal and pathological development will be reviewed.
CPSY 755: Applied Psychopharmacology
3 Hours. PR: CPSY 701 and CPSY 750 and CPSY 760. Review of contemporary theory and practice of psychopharmacology, diagnoses and syndromes warranting medication drug selection, putitive mechanisms of action, dosage, side-effects, toxicity, contra-indications, and use of multiple medications.Critical research reviews and outcome comparisons with psychological treatment.
CPSY 760: Introduction to Counseling Psychology
3 Hours. PR: Consent. Overview of history, current status, and future trends associated with counseling psychology as a specialty area. Includes an introduction to counseling psychology research topics and practices.
CPSY 763: Advanced Theories of Counseling Psychology
3 Hours. PR: COUN 606 and COUN 685, or equivalent, admission to post-master's graduate study; and consent. A comprehensive study of the theoretical issues in contemporary counseling.
CPSY 764: Intellectual Assessment
4 Hours. PR: Advanced standing, COUN 505 and pre-registration with instructor. Administering, scoring, and interpreting individual intelligence tests.
CPSY 766: Vocational Theory and Assessment
3 Hours. PR: COUN 620 or equivalent, advanced standing, or Consent. Advanced study of theory development and research in vocational psychology and counseling; emphasis on counseling psychology, women's issues, and cross-cultural counseling.
CPSY 769: Personality Testing and Interpretation
3 Hours. PR: COUN 505 and Consent. Advanced study in the application of personality assessment procedures and consideration of alternative methods for measuring human behavior.
CPSY 770: Doctoral Practicum in Counseling Psychology
1-9 Hours. PR: CPSY 701 and CPSY 769 and CPSY 780 or equivalent and completed doctoral practicum application (due by March 1 of semester year preceding initial semester), and consent. Intensive clinical experience in which students, under supervision, see clients for individual and group counseling and psychotherapy. Offered at a variety of approved field-based sites. (Practicum).
CPSY 772: Internship
1-12 Hours. PR: Written approval from the Department Internship Committee, satisfactory completion of written doctoral comprehensive exams and approval of research prospectus. Full-time supervised practice in an approved counseling psychology internship training program; minimum duration one academic year.
CPSY 780: Professional and Ethical Issues in Counseling Psychology
3 Hours. PR: Advanced standing and consent. Overview of current ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling psychology. Readings, discussion, and a written literature review of a topic related to the practice of counseling psychology.
CPSY 781: Research Practicum
1 Hour. Ninety clock-hours of documented hands-on research activity. Activity must be supervised by faculty, or in conjunction with faculty supervision.
CPSY 782: Research Methods and Design
3 Hours. An overview of research methods and design, statistical procedures and potential violations of ethical principles in the conduct of research in Counseling Psychology.
CPSY 783: Consultation and Supervision
3 Hours. PR: CPSY 701 and CPSY 780; one semester of CPSY 770 or equivalent, consent. Assumptions and techniques of consultation/ supervision include demonstrations of the models and relevant critical analysis.
CPSY 790: Teaching Practicum
1-3 Hours. PR: Consent. Supervised practice in college teaching of counseling psychology. Note: This course is intended to insure that graduate assistants are adequately prepared and supervised when they are given college teaching responsibility. It will also present a mechanism for students not on assistantships to gain teaching experience. (Grading will be S/U.).
CPSY 791: Advanced Study
1-6 Hours. PR: Consent. Investigation of advanced topics not covered in regularly scheduled courses.
CPSY 792: Directed Study
1-6 Hours. Directed study, reading, and/or research.
CPSY 793: Special Topics
1-6 Hours. A study of contemporary topics selected from recent developments in the field.
CPSY 794: Seminar
1-6 Hours. Special seminars arranged for advanced graduate students.
CPSY 795: Independent Study
1-9 Hours. Faculty supervised study of topics not available through regular course offerings.
CPSY 796: Graduate Seminar
1 Hour. PR: Consent. Each graduate student will present at least one seminar to the assembled faculty and graduate student body of his or her program.
CPSY 797: Research
1-15 Hours. PR: Consent. Research activities leading to thesis, problem report, research paper or equivalent scholarly project, or a dissertation. (Grading may be S/U.).
CPSY 798: Thesis or Dissertation
1-6 Hours. PR: Consent. This is an optional course for programs that wish to provide formal supervision during the writing of student reports (698), or dissertations (798). Grading is normal.
CPSY 799: Graduate Colloquium
1-6 Hours. PR: Consent. For graduate students not seeking coursework credit but who wish to meet residency requirements, use the University's facilities, and participate in its academic and cultural programs. Note: Graduate students who are not actively involved in coursework or research are entitled, through enrollment in their department's 699/799 Graduate Colloquium to consult with graduate faculty, participate in both formal and informal academic activities sponsored by their program, and retain all of the rights and privileges of duly enrolled students. Grading is S/U; colloquium credit may not be counted against credit requirements for master’s programs. Registration for one credit of 699/799 graduate colloquium satisfies the University requirement of registration in the semester in which graduation occur
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