College Football Playoff
The College Football Playoff, based in Irving, Texas, is seeking four highly motivated college graduates for its 2022-2023 internship program. The internship is 9 months and is an especially great opportunity for May and August graduates. Successful candidates will be an integral part of staging the national championship game in Los Angeles on January 9, 2023, as well as laying the groundwork for games in subsequent years. Four full-time, paid positions will be hired from August 1, 2022, through April 28, 2023. Interns will be required to work extensive hours in December and January, as well as select weekends and holidays.
Application Deadline
Friday, February 25 at 4:59 p.m. CT.
Position Summary
Four Areas of Concentration
- Communications and Social Media
- Events and Hospitality
- Business and Ticket Operations
- Public Events and Sponsorship
CFP internships are paid hourly but do not receive health or insurance benefits.
Application Process
Applicants are required to have at a minimum, a degree from an undergraduate program by August 2022.
Applications from individuals who are still actively pursuing a degree will not be considered at this time.
- Applications require the following in PDF format to be considered:
- List of references (3 minimum)Cover Letter
- Resume
- Work Sample (to learn more about accepted materials please see the FAQ)
For more information about the internship program or specific roles, visit: